Hobs Review of Blood Tally by Brian McClellan

Welcome back to another book review. Today we will be looking at Blood Tally by Brian McClellan. This is the second book in the Valkyrie Collections series. This series takes place in a world much like ours but with a hidden underside of magic and mayhem going on. The story is told through the eyes … Continue reading Hobs Review of Blood Tally by Brian McClellan

Adventures in Cheesy 3D Art Excellence

In my continuing pursuit of creating the best bad 3D art I recently started working on making custom skins for the characters. So I started thinking what literary character might be a challenge to make a skin for. The first one that came to mind was Arlen Bales one of the main POV characters in … Continue reading Adventures in Cheesy 3D Art Excellence

Hobs review of Brightblade The Morgan Detective Agency, Book 1

I have been wanting to make a comeback for a while now. And it is fitting that my first review back is about a book from one of the first authors to ever support the blog and do a giveaway and the author that has probably done the most to get my ass back at … Continue reading Hobs review of Brightblade The Morgan Detective Agency, Book 1


Apparently yesterday was NATIONAL BOOK LOVERS DAY, but according to https://nationaldaycalendar.com/ every day is “something” day. But around these parts every day is BOOK LOVERS DAY! Still that makes yesterday twice as important for those of us that love to read as it is for the other half of the people that only read half … Continue reading BOOK LOVERS DAY 2018 BOOK HAUL AND MORE!